Ultrasound: an unstoppable global trend

Author: Dr. Bovani Bruno

Date: 25/02/2019

With the start of the new millennium we witnessed a very rapid growth in new laser technologies marking an important moment, in particular in the world of plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine.

Lasers had made it possible to obtain what was considered impossible until a few years ago: remove unwanted hair, obliterate a tattoo, improve a scar or reduce stretch marks considerably. Everything seemed to revolve only around the world of lasers. Then technological innovations in this sector slowed down, progressively leaving space to other instruments that have seen dramatic growth.

Today we can say that the innovation imposing itself worldwide is ultrasound. In fact, we had known ultrasound for many years; it had already made itself known in the field of liposuction and in aesthetic medicine, but technical evolution today allows us to obtain very significant results, such as to rewrite the rules of traditional surgery.

Ultrasound is thus the latest frontier that best suits the requests of patients who approach the most modern plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine: treatments that are at the same time safe and quick, enabling almost immediate recovery of one's activities.


Ultrasound for non-invasive lifting of face and neck

A protocol for non-surgical lifting is also spreading in Italy which uses the principle of microfocused ultrasound to reduce signs of aging on the face, neck and cleavage. With the aid of a scanner inserted into the ultrasound dispensing probe, it is possible to accurately reach the tissues to be remodelled, calculating variability in tissue thickness for each individual patient in real time.

The protocol exploits the ability of ultrasound to reach in depth and transform into heat, thus stimulating the production of new collagen fibres, the structural proteins of the skin that support tissues, making them toned and compact.

For the time being, the treatment areas are the face, neck and cleavage. The protocol can be customised based on the patient's degree of aging and the desired result.

A feature of high-intensity microfocused ultrasound is that it can reach deep into the muscle layer but without affecting the skin surface. Precisely for this reason, the method can be performed on all types of skin, even dark or tanned skin and there are no contraindications to undergoing treatment in the summer.

Normally, only one session is necessary and it takes place without anaesthesia in the clinic, lasting an average of one to two hours depending on the areas to be treated. The treatment is not painful, but it can reach a normally bearable level of discomfort at times.

Although changes can already be seen immediately after treatment, it is necessary to wait a few weeks for the real results, the time necessary for our body to reactivate the neocollagenesis process, and improvements will continue progressively for the first six to seven months.

The duration of the results is usually around 12-18 months from treatment, after which the natural process of skin aging will regain the upper hand. In this case it is possible to repeat treatment.

Based on a physiological process performed by our body, non-surgical lifting using ultrasound produces very natural results that improve laxity without distorting facial features, but giving a fresher and healthier look to our tissues.

Suitable for both men and women, ultrasound lifting has no particular contraindications or dangerous side effects, but it is necessary to go into all aspects of this treatment with the trusted specialist doctor after a careful visit.

Liposuction using ultrasound

With around four years of experience behind me and some hundreds of treatments performed with ultrasound applied surgically to remove excess fat, I decided to bring a technology already well known abroad for some years also to Italy.

The ultrasound protocol for body remodelling has advantages over traditional liposuction and also laserlipolysis: the former because it determines the elimination of excess fat in solid form with a greater invasiveness of the treated regions, and the latter because laser energy melts the adipose tissue at high temperatures with the risk of damage resulting from overheating of tissues. The new procedure exploits the power of ultrasound which gently and selectively fragments the adipose tissue without heating up the tissues and keeping intact the "noble" structures that coexist in adipose tissue such as vessels and nerves. The emulsified fat is then aspirated through a cannula with a diameter of a few millimetres.

This enables remodelling of the body with great precision in a non-invasive way. This opens up a new way of remodelling the body with very high definition. There are many areas that can be treated: abdomen, hips, buttocks, the entire circumference of the thighs, knees, calves, ankles, arms, back, chest, neck and chin.

Moreover, unlike other methods, adipose cells are not damaged during the suction process and can be used for lipofilling, that is, for the replanting of adipose tissue in areas of the face and body in which volume is missing or has been lost (for example, cheekbones, breasts and buttocks).

The procedure generally takes place under local anaesthesia and lasts from one hour to a few hours depending on the areas to be treated. Stitches are not needed because the incisions are very small. If you want to treat more districts, the reduced invasiveness of the method means you can set up a programme for remodelling profiles in multiple sessions, with an interval of even a few weeks between one step and another.

Results are visible in a few weeks and return to normal activities is extremely rapid. The indications for post-treatment are generally 24-48 hours of rest and a couple of weeks of refraining from physical activity. In this period you have to wear a thin sheath to make sure that the skin adheres perfectly to the new body shapes.

Bovani Bruno


Dr. Bovani Bruno

Medical Surgeon
Perugia (Italy)

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Dr. Bovani Bruno

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