Tuame.com is a property of Arkè srl
registered office in via Marconi, 55 - 64016 S.Egidio alla V.ta (TE)
Enrolled in the company register at the C.C.A.A. Teramo (REA) TE-120866
VAT number No.01044990677
TuaME is a portal of scientific information in which specialists in medicine and cosmetic surgery share quality content with the readers, giving the user the opportunity to contact specialist doctors. The site is the result of a project by Arkè srl, an Italian publisher specialized in the health world since 1999.
The Tuame team works in close contact with doctors and health experts for the preparation of quality content for its users.
Editorial Staff:
Oreste Di Mattei Di Matteo - Responsible Director
Maria Di Matteo - Project Manager and Seo Specialist
Simona Perra - Content Manager and Editor
Aesthetic doctors and plastic surgeons write articles about medicine and cosmetic surgery.
tel. 800 586658
email: info@tuame.com
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Di Mattei Di Matteo Oreste
Owner of Tuame
Arke 'S.r.l.
Viale Marconi, 55
64016 Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata
VAT n.: 01044990677