Date: 22/04/2020

AuthorDr. Stefania Guerrini

Traditional rhinoplasty is considered an invasive surgical method designed to improve the appearance of the nose as well as breathing. It therefore has both an aesthetic and functional purpose. However, it should not be forgotten that the shape of the nose is linked to a set of curves, bumps, slopes, light and shadows that determine not only its own harmony but that of the entire face. Therefore, the correction of the defects of the nasal pyramid through rhinoplasty represents one of the most requested procedures by patients to plastic surgeons and otorhinolaryngologists.


Alternatives to traditional rhinoplasty

In recent years great importance has been given to age-related changes in the face, neck and hands (wrinkles, sagging skin, marked loss of volume, etc.). It has been seen that all this could be remedied through the use of fillers or other injectable products. However, for a long time, the fact that the nose also ages was not taken into account: the tip tends to droop, the skin (often rarely considered) becomes thinner and the naso-labial angle increases. An improvement of these imperfections generally involves the operating room and rhinoplasty. However, nowadays, in certain situations, an invasive surgical procedure can be avoided by means of medical rhinoplasty or rhinofillers. This can improve the shape of the nose without having to undergo invasive surgery such as rhinoplasty. It uses hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite fillers, botulinum toxin and, in some cases, suspension threads. These are placed directly in the nose and make it possible to correct certain imperfections such as a bump or a drooping tip or the reduction of a tip that is too wide.


Medical rhinoplasty treatment

The results are almost immediate. In fact, right after treatment you can immediately see the new shape of the nose. The duration of the procedure is about 20–30 minutes and is usually not very painful. Redness, bruising and swelling are rare and always mild. The patient can return to their normal routine on the day of surgery. The results are not permanent but temporary (10–12 months). It is recommended to undergo a session every 6–8 months in order to ensure proper maintenance. Compared to rhinoplasty surgery, in addition to its low cost, it is a rapid, almost painless, non-invasive procedure and in the post-operative period there is no bleeding or breathing difficulties. I must underline the fact that medical rhinoplasty cannot replace surgery when there are functional problems, such as septal deviation or hypertrophy of the turbinates. Only an in-depth specialist examination can clarify whether the conditions for the treatment exist.

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