What is a forehead lift?
As you get older, wrinkles may appear on your forehead, or brow, but that's not all.
The eyelids can become heavier and the eyebrow can "fall" causing the loss of youthfulness around the eyes and a sad and tired expression.
If these signs of ageing on the forehead are causing you concern, a forehead lift could be the solution.
A forehead lift could:
- reduce wrinkles on the forehead, as well as wrinkles on the nose and eyes
- improve vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows
- reduce sagging skin on the upper eyelids
- reposition the eyebrows to provide a youthful appearance to the eyes
- change facial expression
Candidates for a forehead lift, who are they?
- Healthy individuals
- Non-smokers
- People with a positive attitude
- People with realistic expectations
- People with wrinkles between their eyebrows (these can change their facial expression so much that they look "angry", "too serious" or "sad")
- People with droopy eyelids due to sagging skin, and who have an expression of tiredness
Forehead lift: During the consultation
When you meet with the plastic surgeon, you will discuss important aspects of the surgery, among them:
- objectives
- your complete medical history
- the medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs you are taking
- any risk factors
- discuss the various options
- examine and measure the proportions of the face
- take photographs
- discuss the results of forehead lifting surgery and possible complications
- ask questions It is very important to understand all aspects of a forehead lift.
Forehead lift: before surgery
In preparation for a forehead lift, the following may be required:
- laboratory analysis
- medical examination
- quit smoking
- avoid taking drugs based on acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin), anti-inflammatory drugs, and other supplements as they may increase bleeding
- the surgery must be carried out in an accredited facility
Forehead lift: the procedure
The surgeon will suggest intravenous sedation or general anaesthetic.
Surgery takes 1–2 hours.
The incision
A forehead lift can be performed in 2 different ways:
- coronal incision
Some surgeons prefer to perform a facelift with a "coronal incision". The coronal incision goes from ear to ear by way of the hairline. This technique allows for longer lasting and more visible results, but leaves long scars.
- endoscopic
Other surgeons prefer to use an endoscope (a thin tube with a camera) and special instruments that are introduced through small incisions in the hairline. This technique makes it possible to act both on muscle tissue and under the skin (to correct visible wrinkles on the forehead). This technique allows for:
- less visible scars
- faster post-op with less discomfort
- less long-term and certain results
Forehead lift: sutures
Once the procedure is complete, the surgeon will proceed with the suture of the incisions.
What will the sutures look like? What innovative materials can be used?
- Absorbable or removable sutures
- Skin glue
- Surgical tape
- Special clips
Forehead lift: after surgery
Following your doctor's instructions is essential to the success of the procedure.
In general:
- Medication to be administered or taken orally to help healing and reduce the risk of infection
- Arrange check-ups with the plastic surgeon
- Keep your head upright
- Do not engage in intense physical activity
- Do not use ice or heat on the operated area
- You will need assistance for at least the first night after surgery
- You will need someone to drive you to and from the facility
- Ask specific questions about what can be expected during your healing period
Forehead lift: healing
- Healing takes 10 to 14 days
- Sutures or clips are removed when ready
- You should be able to return to work and normal activity after 2 weeks
- Certain specific cosmetics can help camouflage bruising
- It may take several months for full recovery
- It is important that the surgical sutures are not subjected to excessive strain, swelling, abrasion, or movement during the healing period
Your doctor will provide specific instructions on how to take care of yourself.
Forehead lift: the results
The results appear gradually as the swelling and bruising disappears.
The skin will appear smoother, younger and more rested.
Satisfaction with your new appearance should increase as you heal.
Although it is hoped that there will be good results, there is no guarantee.
Sunscreen should be used to maintain the rejuvenated appearance and minimise sun damage.
A healthy lifestyle will also help maintain long-term results.
Forehead lift: risks and safety
The decision to resort to cosmetic surgery is extremely personal. The risks and benefits must always be considered.
Forehead lift risks include:
- Anaesthesia risks
- Bleeding
- Hair loss at the incision sites
- Elevated hairline
- Eye irritation or dryness
- Facial asymmetry
- Facial nerve injury with weakness or paralysis
- Fluid accumulation
- Infection
- Numbness
- Changes in skin sensitivity
- Intense itching
- Pain, which can persist
- Delay in wound healing
- Possible need for revision surgery
- Skin discolouration and swelling
- Skin loss
- Unfavourable scarring
- Risk of blood clots (rare)
These and other risks will be fully discussed before the procedure.
A forehead lift may be a solution to alleviate the signs of ageing and restore a youthful look to the face.
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