Author: Dr. Maronati Guido

Date: 22/04/2020

Laser light has unique properties that allow it to generate and deliver very concentrated energy with great precision. This energy is able to interact with the skin in a controlled manner until the desired results are achieved. The monochromatic nature of laser light makes it possible to selectively target skin structures that preferentially absorb light at that specific wavelength: water, haemoglobin, melanin.


With lasers it is possible:

  • to treat, as an outpatient procedure, a very wide variety of small skin defects and growths within a few minutes, with or without local anaesthetic, and without leaving any visible traces
  • to carry out hair removal, as an outpatient procedure, on various parts of the body, without local anaesthetic and without leaving scars
  • to safely remove tattoos from any part of the body
  • to rejuvenate facial tissues, restoring firmness and tone to the skin

Lasers in comparison

 Laser type: diode "ice"


The diode "ice" laser targets the melanin contained in the hair and is therefore able to progressively remove unnecessary hair from various areas of the face and body.


Hair removal on the face, armpits, arms and forearms, chest, back, abdomen, groin, and legs. It makes it possible to obtain:

  • a progressive and lasting reduction in the number of hairs
  • a lightening of remaining hair
  • a progressive decrease in hair diameter
  • a progressive weakening of the hair
  • a slowing down of regrowth time 




Laser type: CO2 The CO2 laser is a surgical laser that makes it possible to remove and simultaneously coagulate certain skin growths without leaving any visible scars.

Moles (dermal nevi)


Small skin growths (pendulous fibromas)

Small pigmentations and thickening of the skin due to sun exposure, age, constitutional factors (seborrheic, solar, senile keratoses)

Small accumulations of localised fat on the eyelids (xanthelasma)

Flat or raised warts on hands, feet, face

Reddened, thickened and raised scars (post-acne, post-surgery, post-trauma, hypertrophic)


Laser type: Erbium


The Erbium laser is an ablative laser that removes the surface layer of the skin (epidermis) to smooth and rejuvenate the tissues and remove any blemishes.

Removal of sun spots and age spots on the face, body and hands


Treatment of surface level and shallow wrinkles especially on the lower eyelids and upper lip

Skin rejuvenation across several areas of the face

Reduction of acne scarring


Laser type: Nd-Yag Vascular laser


The Nd-Yag laser targets haemoglobin and is therefore able to remove vascular growths such as angiomas, telangiectasia (capillaries), couperose, etc.

Capillaries and small superficial and dilated veins on the face and lower limbs (telangiectasias)


Benign, reddish or purplish looking growths everywhere on the face and body (angiomas)

Intense and chronic redness of particular areas of the face, especially cheeks and nose, with the presence of small dilated and superficial (couperose) veins


Laser type: Fractional


The fractional laser (Fraxel) acts by removing the surface layer of the skin (stratum corneum) and stimulating and regenerating the deepest layer (papillary dermis)

Non-ablative skin rejuvenation (which therefore does not create any bleeding and therefore does not leave scars) on one or more parts of the face, neck and décolletage


Correction of surface level and shallow wrinkles

Reduction of acne scarring

Improved skin tone and thickness

Lightening of one or more facial blemishes resulting in evenness of facial complexion


Laser type: Q-Switched


The Q-Switched laser is indicated for the safe removal of tattoos as it makes it possible to fragment the tattoo ink by reproducing, in an accelerated manner, the natural fading created over time and exposure to sunlight.

Tattoo removal of various colours as multiple wavelengths enable a wide range of pigments to be treated.




There's a difference between beauty and charm.

A beautiful woman is one I notice.

A charming woman is one who notices me.
(John Erskine)



Comparing treatments

Whatever method is considered – be it laser or hyaluronic acid – the mechanism of action is always based on the interaction between the fibroblasts and the collagen they produce.

Fibroblasts are the main cells of the connective tissue that produce the complex group of substances (polysaccharides and proteins) of which collagen is composed; this in turn gives shape and elasticity to the skin and nourishes the vessels that supply it. The collagen lattice is maintained by its mechanical tension with fibroblasts.

If genetics and our biological clock cause a physiological deterioration of the skin, it is however the exposure to sunlight that inhibits the ability of fibroblasts to produce collagen: the hands, face, neck and décolletage are in fact the parts of the body that suffer the most damage compared to less exposed areas. This damage is nothing more than an accelerated version of chronological ageing, since ultraviolet radiation causes the release of the same enzymes that degrade collagen as we get older.

Collagen fibres have a life cycle of about thirty years, but ageing and exposure to ultraviolet radiation deteriorate and fragment them. As fragmented collagen accumulates, the production of new collagen declines, the link between fibroblasts and collagen weakens and wrinkles begin to form on the skin, which now lacks adequate support.


  • The laser removes (vaporises) the layers of the skin without damaging the surrounding tissues. The healing of the treated tissue stimulates the production of new collagen. The treatment acts by first inducing high levels of an enzyme (matrix metalloproteinase) that destroys the fragmented collagen, and then reducing the release of this enzyme and increasing the production of new and intact replacement material.
  • The same principle also applies to the action of hyaluronic acid. The filler relaxes the dermis, and fibroblasts respond by producing more collagen and fewer degradation enzymes.
Maronati Guido


Dr. Maronati Guido

Medical Surgeon

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Dr. Maronati Guido

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